Life of Pi

Author's Note: This is a short discussion about Mr. Kumar and Pi. Mr. Kumar is one of Pi's teachers and Pi sees him at the zoo. Mr. Kumar only believes in science and doesn't believe in God or any religion. PI also describes Mr. Kumar as a person with a triangle head, triangle body and he is walking on two thin parallel lines. Here is my idea about his body is described and Pi's respect for Mr. Kumar.

Mr.Kunar is already one of Pi's teachers, Pi already has a little respect for him. Then Pi sees Mr. Kunar at the zoo and Pi finds out that Mr. Kumar only believes in science and thinks that religion is darkness. Pi doesn't know how to take this but after hearing Mr Kumar explain further Pi realizes that different people have different beliefs. Mr. Kumar became Pi's favorite teacher and Pi respected him even more than before. The conversation Pi had with Mr. Kumar set things in motion for Pi.

Pi described Mr. Kumar as having a triangle head and a triangle body stacked on top of two paralell lines. The way he describes it can symbolize different things. Even though Mr. Kumar doesn't believe in God his body almost symbolizes things about Christ or God. People can see that his body is being balanced on two thin parallel lines that it can symbolize that he knows where he stands and he can't be changed.

Author's Note: This is a response to Pi's behaviors on the boat. He has different kinds, like him making up a schedule to follow everyday. He also tries to act like a zookeeper for awhile because of Richard Parker,which is a tiger that is stuck on the lifeboat with Pi. He also is focusing on food and water, not necessarily on Richard Parker but on food and water to survive from starvation and dehydration.

Being stuck on a lifeboat for months isn't easy, but how about being stuck in a lifeboat with a 450lb Bengal tiger? Pi has to learn to be brave and how to take care of himself and the tiger. All throughout his trip, though he is faced with challenges that he thinks he will never overcome. Each challenge comes with new expirences that prepare him for the next day. Pi learns that there is so much more to learn about life.

When Pi gets stuck on a lifeboat, after the boat he and his family was on sank, he realizes that everyday helps him prepare for the next. Pi starts to take in what is around him as a new experience with new knowledge that will help him in the future. Soon he is able to take care of himself and Richard Parker. This only happens because Pi takes new knowledge and uses his common sense to put this new knowledge into action.

Everyone should follow Pi's behavior because then we can learn all new things and use the knowledge we gain in life. If we do this then everyone would be able tell stories about what they've learned about from their actions and everyday life. Some people even use their everyday experiences to create new things and come up with new ideas about how things work. Schools don't teach you everything only things you don't learn by yourself.