Thursday, April 28, 2011

2nd response to the Truman Show

AN: Sorry this has taken so long, I've haven't really felt like writing so much this week. Probably because it's the first week back from break. So anyway here is a response that I had to make myself write. 

Everything is perfect, the sky, the sun, the grass. Even your life; nothing can go wrong. Your entire life you have lived in peace and harmony. This is what Truman's life was like in The Truman Show, everything was perfect for him except, he wasn't the one in control of his life.

On the inside the island that Truman lived on seemed just like a regular island. The people seemed like regular people. Everyday Truman would wake up buy a magazine, go to work, come home and go to bed. Nothing was irregular, it was the same routine everyday. This routine was made for him and he wasn't controlling it. Everything was created for Truman but he couldn't make the big decisions in life, like who he loved, what kind of job he wanted, and even things like where he wanted to live. These were chosen for him and he couldn't do anything about it.

Truman always wanted to be an explorer, but he couldn't do this because he was afraid of the ocean. This fear was made up, it wasn't true. The creators of Truman's world set up this fear so Truman would never leave and find out that his life was made up. In the end Truman conquered his fear, and went sailing.

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